Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are unique in that, in addition to their surgical training, formal training is undertaken in the administration of general anesthesia. This training takes the form of rotation with anesthesiologists in a hospital setting for an extended period of time during post graduate residency training.
As a result, oral and maxillofacial surgeons are both qualified and comfortable administering IV out-patient anesthesia when indicated for office procedures. All patients who receive IV medications are fully monitored until discharge. Adults, adolescents and children who are in good health are candidates for in-office anesthesia. Patients who are medically compromised may not be candidates for this type of anesthesia. If you are planning to have office anesthesia, please avoid food or water 8 hours prior to your treatment. You should also avoid chewing gum or having any candy. Please wear comfortable clothing and make sure you have a driver with you who will be responsible for getting you safely.
Click on the following link for further information on anesthesia: http://www.aaoms.org/anesthesia_info.php (from the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons).